Interface Controller

public interface Controller

This interface is used to mark a specific class as a controller. This interface exists primarily to enhance security by explicitly marking a class that may be invoked as a controller by the framework.

A class implementing this interface is expected to have a single public contructor with its formal parameter list observing the following convention:

- the single constructor should accept no formal parameters or

- the single constructor should declare formal parameters using only the

following types:

- javax.servlet.ServletContext

- javax.servlet.ServletConfig

A class implementing this interface may optionally define a single public method named init(). If defined this method will be called after the controller is created using the constructor. The init() method if defined should have its formal parameter list observe the convention described above for the constructor.

A class implementing this interface may optionally define a single public method named destroy(). If defined this method will be called when the controller instance is taken out of service. If there is more than one destroy method or if it the single destroy method requires arguments then the method will be ignored.

Adinath Raveendra Raj

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