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Interface ClassDefLoader

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public interface ClassDefLoader

This is an interface that abstracts the loading of class definitions.

Adinath Raveendra Raj

Method Summary
 java.util.Set findClassNames(java.lang.String[] asPackageNames, java.util.regex.Pattern oClassNamePattern)
          Searches for class names that match the specified package root and regex.
 ClassDef getClassDef(java.lang.String sClassName)
          Load the byte code and other information about the specified class
 ResourceDef getResourceDef(java.lang.String sResourceName)
          Load the data and other information about the specified resource

Method Detail


ClassDef getClassDef(java.lang.String sClassName)
                     throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Load the byte code and other information about the specified class

sClassName - the name of the class for which a definition is requested
a class definition if this class definition loader is able to locate and successfully load the byte code for the class. If the class could not be located a null is returned, if the class was located but the load failed an exception is thrown.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - if this loader was able to locate the class definition was unable to sucessfully load it


ResourceDef getResourceDef(java.lang.String sResourceName)
Load the data and other information about the specified resource

sResourceName - the name of the class for which a definition is requested
a resource definition if this class definition loader is able to locate and successfully load the data for the resource. If the resource could not be located a null is returned, if the resource was located but the load failed again a null is returned (since the getResource() and getResourceAsStreamMethods() do not have checked exceptions in their signature).


java.util.Set findClassNames(java.lang.String[] asPackageNames,
                             java.util.regex.Pattern oClassNamePattern)
Searches for class names that match the specified package root and regex. This method is expected to search and return a list of fully qualified classnames.

asPackageNames - an array of starting package names to start the search, if the package names arg is null all package names are searched
oClassNamePattern - a java regex that defines the classnames that match the search
a set of string classnames that match the specified regex

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